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Mark B. Pacheco, Ph.D.

University of Florida 

    Mark B. Pacheco, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of ESOL and Bilingual Education at the University of Florida.  His research interests include the language and literacy practices of emerging bilingual students and how teachers can support these practices in the literacy classroom.  He received the Otto C. Bassler Dissertation Award for Outstanding Research for his work on monolingual teachers’ translingual instruction with emerging bilingual elementary students. He has published in Journal of Literacy Research, TESOL Quarterly, Bilingual Research Journal, Journal of Second Language Writing, and Research in the Teaching of English, as well as a number of practitioner journals, including The Reading Teacher, Language Arts, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, and Voices from the Middle. Prior to his work in academia, he taught high school ESL and English in New York City.  

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