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Component 4: Applying and Extending Learning
A weekly teacher-facilitated small group routine in which translate and analyze the language of a short segment of text (1-2 sentences) selected from the anchor text because it contains a central theme and language (words, sentence or discourse features) useful to master. This activity fosters metalinguistic skills, or awareness of and ability to reflect on language and its uses, multilingual strategy use, knowledge of high frequency language forms and structures, and text comprehension.
What is this component? Each week students will have two opportunities to extend and apply language and skills learned in that week. These activities are designed as station work in order to offer students choice and agency in the activities they complete each session. These activities are highly interactive and involve the use of oral language and writing skills.
Why does this component matter? Multilingual students are often denied opportunities for choice in the classroom, which makes this activity particularly central to developing youths’ agency as learners. In addition, to master new language and skills, students must have opportunities to apply what they are learning through speaking and writing.
What skills and competencies does this component develop? Extending and Applying learning gives students the opportunity to cement knowledge of language, skills and content taught in each lesson.
What do students do each week? Students complete the Extending and Applying Learning activities independently and in small groups throughout the week, freeing the teacher to engage with small groups, observe students at work, and offer support.
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